What is the National Jamboree?
National Jamboree is a one-of-a-kind adventure of a lifetime! The National Jamboree occurs every four years and is THE greatest Scouting experience for those who attend! Over the course of 10 summer days, over 40,000 scouts, leaders, and staff gather to showcase everything that is great about the BSA. Participants attending a Jamboree enjoy mountain bike trails, one of the longest zip line courses in North America, 13 acres of shooting sports ranges, world class venues for kayaking, rock climbing, bouldering, skateboarding, BMX, arena shows, patch trading, and much more!!
Chattahoochee Council Contingent
Calling all Scouts!! Chattahoochee Council is organizing a special troop to attend the BSA's 2023 National Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia.
Our Council's troop will consist of four patrols with up to 9 youth participants and 4 adult leaders. All qualified youth participants are welcome to register.
Only 22 youth spots are still available! Spots in the troop will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Youth Participant Qualifications
- MUST have a current BSA membership.
- MUST be at least 12 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree but has not reached their 18th birthday by the last day of the Jamboree.
- Be approved by the local council
- MUST have appropriate parent/guardian to complete the online parental consent.
- Participate in pre-Jamboree training experiences with local council and unit leader.
- Submit a BSA Annual Health & Medical Record (ABC) using the on-line Jamboree submission process.
- Submit all registration fees based on the council's payment schedule
Young Adult Participant Qualifications
- MUST have a current BSA membership
- MUST be at least 18 years old by the first day of the Jamboree but have not reached their 21st birthday by the last day of the Jamboree.
- MUST be housed as an adult.
- Be approved by the local council.
- Participate in pre-Jamboree training experiences with local council and unit leadership.
- Submit a BSA Annual Health & Medical Record (ABC) using the on-line Jamboree submission process.
- Submit all registration fees based on the council's payment schedule
The projected cost to attend the Jamboree will be between $2,000 and $2,300 and covers the cost of your National Jamboree registration fees ($1,285), transportation costs to/from West Virginia, all meals, a set of Jamboree uniform items, and troop/patrol equipment. Participants should expect additional expenses at the Jamboree including personal spending money and memorabilia items. A non-refundable reservation fee of $250 with initial registration holds a spot in the troop.
The troop leadership have prepared a payment schedule to spread the cost over the next 13 months (starting July 2022). The following payment schedule is available:
Please call the scout office to make an initial $250 deposit or you will be prompted to pay through the current date!
- $250 deposit due at registration
- $250 due on 8/31/2022
- $200 due on 9/30/2022
- $200 due on 10/31/2022
- $200 due on 11/30/2022
- $200 due on 12/31/2022
- $200 due on 1/31/2023
- $200 due on 2/28/2023
- $200 due on 3/31/2023
- $200 due on 4/30/2023
- Balance due on 5/31/2023
Full payments must be received no later than May 31, 2023 in order for participants to attend.
Updated (8/11/22):
Starting November 1, 2022, an additional $215 national registration late fee will be assessed for each newly registered participant. Registrations prior to November 1, 2022 will not be assessed this additional fee.
Scouts are strongly encouraged to sign up prior to October 31, 2022!!
Registration is a two-step process:
Step 1: Register with the Chattahoochee Council and pay deposit
Step 2: Register at the National Jamboree
- Every youth participant must use their own my.scouting.org account to register. Parents cannot use their personal my.scouting.org account to register their child.
- To create a new account, go to my.scouting.org and enter the BSA ID for the scout (available from the unit leader or committee chair).
- Parents will be emailed a link to digitally sign waivers. The registration is not complete until waivers are signed.
Next Steps
After youth complete the initial registration process, all participants will need to:
- Sign and agree to live by the Jamboree Code of Conduct
- Be physically fit and complete a National Scout Jamboree Medical form signed by a licensed physician
- Participate in mandatory troop meetings (TBD)
- Attend a whole contingent gathering/shake down (TBD)
- Attend an overnight training encampment (TBD)
- Keep an eye on our website for more information
Refund Policy
A refund will only be made if a replacement youth participant is identified that is 1) approved by the council and 2) has made the required payments according to the payment schedule. The initial deposit of $250 will not be refunded.
Troop Leadership - Male Troop
Troop Leadership - Female Quarter Troop
Additional Information
Have more questions? Contact Scarlet Guzman (Staff Advisor)
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